It been quite a long time since I have blogged but hey.. its just for fun right?
Not that I would be marked on.. XD
I have entered college and the enviroment is so diff from high school especially from my home country..
But nothing about me have changed, I am still the same old depressed guy from 3 years ago..
Trying to see life on a diff espect but so far so luck...
I have permenently moved to Canada and yes I ahve sold my house back in my home country, its quite sad to say good bye to a house filled with memories altho some might not be happy but a house that sheltered me for almost my whole life, and its where I could ever feel comfort in...
Many things and stuffs happened, but what I really wish and pray for is a simple life living with the person I love the most, of course I love my family too but we all would want someone to call our own right?
My prayers have always been answered, but those prayers I prayed is the prayers that I would not find happiness in it, as it has been always for some else and not mine...
Seeing the person you love with another and watching them right infront of you and hiding your feelings is not fun at all.. But if it makes the person I love be happy, I would just step aside altho my heart aches and I would cry every night.. Thats life..~
I should really practise my Japanese more often, it has become rusty.. haizz!
Well, its late, and I have 2 midterms to study for next week tml..
tHe mEmoRyS u hoLd iN yoUr hAnD iS uRs foR LiFe buT iF u leT iT go... iT wiLl nEveR rEturN to yOu,....
Friday, October 15, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Hey Hey... Long time No Post.. =D
I guess i should start blogging again yea??
The 1st post will be my Japanese project....
Hope Mr Mancell gives me a high mark.. =D
I will be typing these few posts in Japanese.. So if you are Japanese and happen to click by... please correct me yea?? =D
僕は友達がだい好きです。毎日、いじょに歩きながら、、学校へ行きます。何でも話ことができます。花屋へ行きました。あそこでチュリップよりバラのほうがきれいだと思います。友達は飲むすぎると言った、だからトイレに行くと言いました。買ってはいけない、お母さんと言われましたが、でも 僕はバラが好きですから、買いました。そして、友達からいっぱいおくりものにもらった。




So yeahh~~ thats the end of my Japanese project... and i know its bad...
But, XDD~~ please correct me other then Mr Mancell if there are any mistakes,, haha
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