Well it started last week friday when i was so happy because a dog is going to live with me for awhile of course.... And my dad went to work for three days and i was going to be alone.... it added to the happiness i had already have..
After school i went to look for my father's friend because he is the one leaving his dog with me.. So we got everything ready and we went back to my house.....
Reaching home i suddenly remembered .... OMG i left my key in the house ..ZzZZZzz
My dad's friend was laughing at me... =(
Having n choice what-so-ever i went back to the school with him since he work in the school...
You might have thought .. why stuck outside and not call the owner o the house...
Well i did .. 30 over times.. Yup 30..
So i went back to the school took some photos of myself =P

I love this shoes... =D
After this we went back to the house and try to see whether the owner is in... BUt .. the car was there but she was not... And another boring trip to the school again... ZZzZzZzz......
We went back to the school and well in the night the school doors has an auto lock.. Only staff like teachers have the keys to open it.....
So i went inside the school with my dad's friend and i went to use the computer... it so happens that i forgot my student password so i went out to the car to take out my bag...
Guess what happen the car door is locked.. Nevermind.. i went to open the school door.. LOCKED... WTF ....
Its my most unlucky day ever.... So i was outside frezzing in the cold and waited for him to finish his work ... Went back to the house but still not in... No choice i went to his friends house and slept there with the puppy.....
Next day .... morning went back there and try again but still no answer.....the funny thing is that after all this was over.. the owner said she was in but by the time she answered the door we went off.... UNLUCKY man.... But still not over yet...
Went to eat breakfast and went back to the school for a basketball match since the friend doubles as a coach...ZZZzzzzz. waited and waited.. Revising my jap work 2 guys came and sit on the same roll of chairs with me but far... Heard them talking about jap.. And somemore said it was hard.. They finally decided to revise too and 1 guy went to look for a pen .. walked pass me and went back told his friend i too was doing jap...ZZZzzzz HaizzZ
Mum suddenly called.. she said she will call her friend who i know but don't know he number..XD So i went back with her and stayed in her house... Her son is my friend so i felt comfortable with them.. When my friend came back .. we did our own things and when almost midnight we started to drink... Drink, talk, play PS2 and by the way i suck at it.... I had fun =D
Next morning woke p and went to church with my friend mum and sister.. why he never go... because he was sleeping X.X.. After church we ate breakfast and my dad came and pick me up .. And finally i went home YaY....
Came back and i forgot my password to my blog.. was so worried and sad... And 2day i was playing around and boom here it is .. So happy =D