GOMEN YO.... =(
HAha my japanese haven practise in 2weeks hope i still remember man.... >.<
Snowing alot last week and WOW it was piling up......
I was in my room happily watching bleach and some dramas ... HAHAh....
2weeks only cannot do much leh... someomore snow until no mood go out.....
Not like singapore everyday either rain or sun... so NICE hor =D
0o0ohhhH 2morrow start school ler.... 2weeks flew by like the wind.... Not much had happen though.. just the boring old stuffs.. Do project, HW, cut hair, watch anime and drama.. blah blah blah......
My frens in sngapore good luck at your new school ... every1 hav gone to diiferent schools so this year when i go back it will be hard to meet up.....JIAYOU on ur studys guys....dont slack too much as i know some of you would....=.= Too much if u ask me....
moving on.......
I went drinking with my fren again..
Dis time... SOJU as i blogged be4.... heres the prove tat i drank it...

Heres the cap... =P

Heres the bottle... =P
Pls dont ask me how it taste because it was .... YUKKKKSSSS >>>.<<<>
C YA... HHAHA its late and i hav schl 2morrow .... Scared late on the 1st day... ermm its not 1st day lar its just 1st day of schl in 2009... LOL
JA MATA.. =p