Waa sia..... this weeknd got no hw so happy.....
dis week not so bad as the others.... but i had 2 presentations...
1 was the marketing which i had to do research on the product i hav ... it was Anime Store...
and surprising enough most of them dont even knw it....
I had to give out at least 50 survey.. and the teacher printed 60 jus incase.....
And now i hav a stack of 60 surveys in room..... WTF...
The other presentation was english.... we had to write a speech X(......
OMG... My topic was Friends..... hahahAh not anything new....
When it was my turn i was like......
'ermmmm' ( scratch head ) 'ermmmm'
LOL every1 was like tat so it was 0k.... =D
So since i had no hw ..... we went to the U.S to dirve around....
See plants n stuffs... i bought 2 plants which was so nice >.<....
There was a lot of tulip .. i was amaze... O-O
It was so unique ......
So Nice >.<
OMG ..................
This is the ugly duckling that becomes a swan....
This is a cat not a flower F.Y.I LOL
This plant was so nice.... too bad i couldn't buy it ..D=
This was the plant i bought... ( bleeding heart )........shape of a heart....
This plant is a drug... i forgot the name >.<