This is the most stupidest week ever..... LOL
I know there is no such word but it describe my stressful week well...
We read the book F451 right.... ok
not so bad, but eventually it got worse... obviously with the kind of teacher we had...LOL
All the other classes of Eng 11 had finish everything about dis book except us..... i think the teacher wants to torture us more...
She gave us something tat the other classes did not get......
Well its not tat bad.. but the work she gave us was killer.......
every1 almost died in front of her.... LOL
Maybe tat was toooooo unreal...hHAahhahA but its close to tat....
Let me explain our homework...
We hav the two main charac.....
Den we mus think of 3 adj for each charac..... den
3 quotes from the book for each charac.... waaaaaaa X.x <<>
The book was talkin about burning books... my fren told me to burn it.... LOL
still got somemore...LOL think of 2 themes... 3 quotes to support each theme....
And den she said come back after schl n she will check if we had started it alrdy...
if not we must stay back, after tat she said thse who come gets 3 marks.... So i did 2 quotes
n went back.. tat was the most stupidest thing i ever did...
She said we mus hav at least 9 quotes down.... WTF WTF my hand almost wanted to strangle her to death..... So i wanted to leave coz my dad was waiting n she said " u better do it 2nite for monday" OMG I felt my nerves r being snapped....
Den again.. every1 she teaches HATES her..... Dis is a fact....

KK talk about some happy things....
WED my marketing class went for a fashion show..... it was sooo cooll.. >>.<<
I like one of the jackets but it was a graduation project so it wasn't on sale.. so sad.. ='(
N the funny thing is the bus ... it was so small n i am so tall, can u imagine??
I could not even slide down n rest my head n slp... while my fren was happily using my shoulder to slp.... =.=
The ticket is above n the book with all the designs is the btm 1...LOL

So funny... hAHahHAHHahHAHA
Cheese.... ^^