tHe mEmoRyS u hoLd iN yoUr hAnD iS uRs foR LiFe buT iF u leT iT go... iT wiLl nEveR rEturN to yOu,....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
!!!!!!!!NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
But theres really nothing much so its most likely the same lor...........
Anyways... HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone......
My New Year is the same as X'Mass ... plain, boring and watching animes and dramas ....HAHaha
School starts next week man... OMG still got chinese project >>.<<
Wad to do... i like to slack ALOT.... XD
The other day i went to eat korean BBQ wif my fren and drank SOJU......
X.x All i can say is 'WOW'..........the taste is like the black chinese medi.....
And when u drink it.. ur stomache feels like u have drank a bowl of very hot Chilli Soup.....
OOO and i took the bottle home ......................... Why you ask?
Welll 1st it looks cool.... i can display it in my room ....HAha =P
2nd becoz its my 1st time drinking it...and hate it......LOL
Anyways Happy New Year to all my family and friends ..........
I wish i could go back to singapore to study with my frens but it would be a waste of time and money to come here..... you will not feel how much you miss them until you leave them....
Everyday i am at my computer waiting for somebody to talk to....... even if its late.. sometimes i jus feel like talkin to them abit longer even if i slp very late... i will stay up.....
Theres afew ppl tat i realli miss rite now and of coz tat also includes my 2 (=Kawaii inu=).....
It will be nice if 1 of my frens come from singapore and study with me here so i wont feel lonely...
But tat wont happen rite .. so the only thing is my computer... haHAHa
I will post another blog in the end of the week......
TC every1=D
Monday, December 29, 2008
*****Passing Time*******
I uncle den all my frens all uncle n aunty also... yuukkkkSSssss>>>.<<<
Anyways. 1 week of my holiday have pass... And guess WAD!!!!
I hav been watching bleach from day till night.... OMG
Now 2day i stop at ep 181.....
GOAL is ep 199.... 18 ep left .. 0o in 1 week...WOW
Dis week nothing much lor.... Sometimes lonelyness can make me want a relaionship so badly.....
But i cat lor... need to study...
CONTROLL MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yIKeSSS...........
Sorry guys nowadays i hav no pics to put up.. because taking too much pic of myself ppl might mistake me for being a ...........
..... GAY...
Hope not ... LOL =P
2morrow go cut hair liao (finally)... tats wat my small jiejie told me... . haha
Dont know y ppl want me to cut my hair so badly....... hMMmMm
Must think of it or else it will go unsolve...... write a note to remind myself
Do a survey and ask every1 tat wans me t cut it... y r they so happy when i cut my hair......
OK lar.. i end here... now 1am ler..
after 2morrow like zombie.... X.x
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Too every1 including those who visit my blog.................................
Well for some of you, you guys might be enjoyin urself but for me .......
My only companion is my computer which all the tHings that i need to keep myself busy is in it..... Its gonna be a short post because it hav not been 1 week yet.......
I am really sia out of my butt.... which if i sit too long on the chair at my computer my butt will have no feeling eventaully ..... ...
1 of my fren is refusing to give me present.... Not really gonna say who...
For the rest of u Hav A Nice Christmass.......
Sunday, December 21, 2008
WINTER HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got a present fro a fren.... 1st time ever 0.o .i was shock too ........
If you can't see the name of who gave it to me.....
Its Jessica.... =.=!!! the one which my frens make fun of me with...
But having dis present does not mean she like me........... Every1 of her frens also hav it .....

dont know whether its still snowing.... Ask me Y...
Ans: How the hell would i know.. its dark outside and i wont go out n check jus for u guys.... its too troublesome .... XD buwhAHahHAha!!!!!!
It also looks like my online game MUONLINE.... if u know tat game.. u would agree with me.. C=
Well this i took it at school....... it was nice, peace and quiet but den came the noisy freaks... Yup .... The KOREANS...... not tat i dont like them but they jus make too much noise... especially the korean girl ....OMG my ear could break if it were glass.... ohh man....
Sorry about that .. i learnt tat from bleach...the anime... hey u cant blame me rite..hav been stress the pass few month .....and now i tell myself .. wad the heck and started watchign a anime with 100 plus eps... 0_o!!!!
i made my plans even be4 the holidays started.........
They are ..........................
Sunday, December 14, 2008
FINALLYY!!! YeAh....

If you can't see wat is writen there ... i will tell you.... Jessica-Miss Left Nce looking young lady!!! Gabrielle=Mr Right Good job man !!! i know my name is spelled wrong but that is what is writen on the paper ... PS: Tina drew and wrote it ...HAHa =P
This i no need explain.... as you can see wats drawn on the paper ......LOL
Ok i cant really remember wat happen this week but i will try...... This week i had 3 unit test..... Math, Chinese, Japanese..... So Stress hAizZZz.......................... Then my english we are doing (Romeo & Juliet) Even more siannssszzzz.... PLaying the part of Paris... LOL i know wad u guys r thinking.... (Paris Hilton) dont deny =.=!!!
Ohhh ya... i missed out that last week i cleaned my room and i took a pic of all the MAC rubbish...HAhahA
Theres like 6 of these there... HHAhaHA.... ..... ...... Lazy to clean mar aiyo.. =P
On Friday the 1st snow was in the morning....... sorry friends i had no time to take a pic of it....... Was like rushing to school >>.<< color="#3333ff">Fun Fact: snow = Yuki...... in japanese...
Wandering why my title doesn't fit what i am typing here ???? Well i will tell you now...... after next week is my holiday.... LOL Only 2 weeks wats the big deal .... Its just that i ever have enough time of sleep.. and now i can catch up ......unless my friend calls and disturbs me =.=!!! Well now you know... Next week another 3 unit test WaaHHH..... hope i survive to live thru my holiday.... =D