Sunday, December 14, 2008

FINALLYY!!! YeAh....

Sorry guys, last few weeks i was too stress or busy to blog...........
You might realise my past post... That night i was really really mad at my father..... ZZzzZ
Anyways... Happy thoughts here now =P
Last week in japanese class i realise that my friend wasn't in class when the bell rang so i went to the front and took her place...........
After that she came in =.=

She sat with my other friend...... sitting at the back of me was Christina and Jerry... further back was Tina and Movina and at the last row was Henry, sitting beside was Jessica. Note : these friends are all chinese, so when they speak i sometimes dont understand >>.<<
Anyways at the back they were like hinting to me to make my move on Jessica.....
And i was like WTF.......=.=!!!
everyone was like saying ' JIAYOU' to me ..... ><.><

After school had end and i had finish doing my math in class....
I met Movina and she was like ( ohh in class me and Tina was drawing of you and Jessica getting married) OMG... I can't believe it ,really can't man..... =.!!
She took it out and show me ..... me fainted.............................
Nola JK hAHa=)

If you can't see wat is writen there ... i will tell you.... Jessica-Miss Left Nce looking young lady!!! Gabrielle=Mr Right Good job man !!! i know my name is spelled wrong but that is what is writen on the paper ... PS: Tina drew and wrote it ...HAHa =P

This i no need explain.... as you can see wats drawn on the paper ......LOL

Ok i cant really remember wat happen this week but i will try...... This week i had 3 unit test..... Math, Chinese, Japanese..... So Stress hAizZZz.......................... Then my english we are doing (Romeo & Juliet) Even more siannssszzzz.... PLaying the part of Paris... LOL i know wad u guys r thinking.... (Paris Hilton) dont deny =.=!!!

Ohhh ya... i missed out that last week i cleaned my room and i took a pic of all the MAC rubbish...HAhahA

Theres like 6 of these there... HHAhaHA.... ..... ...... Lazy to clean mar aiyo.. =P

On Friday the 1st snow was in the morning....... sorry friends i had no time to take a pic of it....... Was like rushing to school >>.<< color="#3333ff">Fun Fact: snow = Yuki...... in japanese...

Wandering why my title doesn't fit what i am typing here ???? Well i will tell you now...... after next week is my holiday.... LOL Only 2 weeks wats the big deal .... Its just that i ever have enough time of sleep.. and now i can catch up ......unless my friend calls and disturbs me =.=!!! Well now you know... Next week another 3 unit test WaaHHH..... hope i survive to live thru my holiday.... =D