Well its been a rough year but i got through it somehow ......
HahahaHA......... Some of my friends went back to their homes for x'mass.. Hiaaaizzzz
i really envy them..... Made quite alot of new frens ... for tat i am happy =P....
Well for now anyways heheHEHe =D
Got a present fro a fren.... 1st time ever 0.o .i was shock too ........
If you can't see the name of who gave it to me.....
Its Jessica.... =.=!!! the one which my frens make fun of me with...
But having dis present does not mean she like me........... Every1 of her frens also hav it .....

dont know whether its still snowing.... Ask me Y...
Ans: How the hell would i know.. its dark outside and i wont go out n check jus for u guys.... its too troublesome .... XD buwhAHahHAha!!!!!!
It also looks like my online game MUONLINE.... if u know tat game.. u would agree with me.. C=
Well this i took it at school....... it was nice, peace and quiet but den came the noisy freaks... Yup .... The KOREANS...... not tat i dont like them but they jus make too much noise... especially the korean girl ....OMG my ear could break if it were glass.... ohh man....
Sorry about that .. i learnt tat from bleach...the anime... hey u cant blame me rite..hav been stress the pass few month .....and now i tell myself .. wad the heck and started watchign a anime with 100 plus eps... 0_o!!!!
i made my plans even be4 the holidays started.........
They are ..........................
XP cant blame me rite.............. i got not enough sleep the past few month and now is my chance right..............
Unless my fren call me out ... and DRINK .... x.x
In otherwords i will be stuck in my room until the holiday ends.... which is 2 weeks from now....
Sleepin time Yeah.... K.K ZzzZzzz
Boku no nemuri kao... ( My sleeping face )
In other words >Nihon go<>Japanese< ^.^