Every week has been adding on to my tiredness becoz ...
Not that is any1s fault but i just like to slp late n wake up early....
So no choice... LOL
This week my english teacher asked us ' do you guys ever get lost in a book ? '
And of coz every1 said no.... den she said she was shock... LOL
Isn't it our problem if we dont read ??? XD
The next day she said ' we r going to the library and u guys r going to pick a b0ok'
ZZZzzz the week keeps getting worse lor.... hAizZzz Den she said the book must be finish by end of spring break..... waa sia. stress + presure..... = lazy ..... hahaha...
Seriously .. if there r too many things to do , i would just give up... LOL ( NOT JOKING)
Another report is also due at the end of spring break...... physics report... ARHHHHHH
but not the whole book lar..... 1/3 of the book onli... i did 2/3 of the book liao..hhaa =P
But i only write the journal part.. nv write the summary...aiyaaaaa...
Marketing is so F*** up ..... hate it.....
But we did finish our tamagotchi prject... hope me n jeresa got an A..
Social studys we r having a student teacher..... she is so X.x n does not explain things well....
Not the problem la... friday we talkin on the topic and suddenly our real teacher starts asking Q... he starts pointing out ppl.. but he does not knw our names so he gave the ppl he picked out nicknames...... EXAMPLE :Joana = The crly hair girl..... Karen = The girl with Accent ( maybe spelled wrong ) ..... Nadine = he blue sweater girl .. sory is i spelled ur name wrong >.<...
And last of all me = The smily Kid..... I was like me ? And he said yA...N in my mind i was like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Haizzz nvm lar.. funy teacher =.=!!!!! go get married or something lar... everytime make jokes....
This week also had fun disturbing afew ppl...
LOL Lizzie and tingting....
I was walking pass the lockers n i saw lizzie.. i went to her n she was like ( dont touch my property) i said ok n kept toucher her things.... LOL I took her bag a ran after tat.. hahaahaaaa
den afew ppl came n kick me... the ppl r. Teresa, Jeresa and 1 more forgot her name....
YES lor all girls like to bully me..... =( sad life.....
I saw tingting wearing the clothes in her blog n i was like WTF.. it looks like wat my grandmother wears.. n she said it was style... woahhhhh... wat kind of style LOL grandma style?
N she commented on my pic when i wore my costume to schl... she siad i had no sense of fashion/.... Ting!!! i call u out hav fashion competition with me.... LOL
Other den tat nth much this week....
i took another pic of myself =D wearing the costumme!!!.