<=( SPRING BREAK IS OVER...........
haizzz.. schl got to start in order for it to end .....
Right ?....
Waa cao 2morrow MUST wake up by 6.30am .......
So early hor wad to do... i am the badminton team manager ......
I get hours for volunteering to graduate so nvm lar.... dont have to wake up dis early every morning right =) tats the bright side.....
The down side is .. 1st block is my english teacher .... argghhhhhhh...
I despise her so dam freaking much....
Not just me lor.. every1 who have/had her as a teacher.......
anywayzzz.. dis week was boring as in i cant play tennis =.=
It was like raining almost everyday ...
And tues was Movina's b-day .. we went to eat sushi but i could not eat much becoz be4 tat i had my breakfast lor.. so eat a little only..... All her guy frens was like ahhbengs but they seem quite nice to throw her a party.... I wish i had tat kind of frens.....
It would be so cool....
Here r some pics of the b-day girl and her BF >.<.....

After everything n resting ......hahahahhaa
Tat day was also my cousins b-day... Happy Belated Birthday Leon.....LOL
Started maplestory and ending it like few days later.... OMG hAHahahAh
Be4 the spring break in my physics we were doing some Q tat the teacher gave us... n it was a sad Q becoz.....

k lar.. need go eat n sleep ..
Waking up early 2morrow...LOL