I really feel like ..
a) running away
b) die of heart att
c) commit suicide
I really can't take life anymore... its too hard for me...
test everyweek...
father nagging at home....
I really don't where i should go....
Maybe Heaven is better..... or Hell...
Either 1 will be fine... nothing should be worse then staying with hm....
Canada is not big enough for both of us.....
My stress is already so much and he keeps on adding to it..
Like adding oil the a big flame....
Soon enough i will burn out.. and thats my limit for life.....
I really can't handle it by myself....
realy can't....
Try my best in school to smile and laugh...
but if this carries on .. i can't do that anymore.....
So many thoughts about what i want to do NOW running through my head....
2 options for me if it carries on..
2)become crazy...
But the thoughts for my dogs and the people i love are holding me back to do anything...
For those friends who knows me for many years... when i go to school with you guys and i might seem a little down... it means to night before i was thinking of the above thoughts....
I won't show much emotions but inside i am really thinking of it....
I know its only sat but it just happen...
The sound of his voice is like a spike through my body... over the years more and more spikes appear and my body feels heavier and 1 day it will stop moving........
The wish of a blue sky and a wide green field with birds singing and wind blows suddenly disappears into nothingness.....
I know i am known as a kind and happy person to my friends.....
But it can't last forever......
tHe mEmoRyS u hoLd iN yoUr hAnD iS uRs foR LiFe buT iF u leT iT go... iT wiLl nEveR rEturN to yOu,....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sory guys, i have too much things to do... But i will try to add new post...
So if i don't means i am busy BUT please cont to support me...
I know some of you will or u jut wanna disturb me like some1 ..Not saying who .... (Kang Hao)
I have 2 projects which due dates are coming fast....STRESS STRESS STRESS
Haizzz what to do...
2day angry wif my dad angain... arrrhhhhhh
just wanna die BUT i also think about my 2 CUTEST dog ..what would happen if i am gone....
So i am not gg to die just yet............
My 2 dogs are my life line PEOPLE.. now you know.............if they are gone...
Whohohohoh Who knows what would happen to me... XD
OK.. this post is going to stop....
NOW.. hav jap vocab quiz 2morrow...
So if i don't means i am busy BUT please cont to support me...
I know some of you will or u jut wanna disturb me like some1 ..Not saying who .... (Kang Hao)
I have 2 projects which due dates are coming fast....STRESS STRESS STRESS
Haizzz what to do...
2day angry wif my dad angain... arrrhhhhhh
just wanna die BUT i also think about my 2 CUTEST dog ..what would happen if i am gone....
So i am not gg to die just yet............
My 2 dogs are my life line PEOPLE.. now you know.............if they are gone...
Whohohohoh Who knows what would happen to me... XD
OK.. this post is going to stop....
NOW.. hav jap vocab quiz 2morrow...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Disappointed Week......
Well this is a very very tiring and disappointed week......
Well it was very good and i was happy about it... I GOT FULL MARKS..=PThe next 1 was abit disappointing because i had studied for it... And some words i could not remember... 16/20 hMM..Too me its bad because i was planning to get full marks on everyhing for katakana since my hiragana suck....
On Monday we celebrate REMEMBRANCE DAY......
Well not really celebrate..you get thepoint right =D.....
We went to the gym and had a assembly and teresa drag me to sit with her.... well it was not boring sitting next to her hitting me and stuff... LOL
That day is where everybody is in silence... But me, her and bryan was like joking around.. quietly of course.. We sure don't wan everybody in the gym to stare at us right... so we SHHHSHHH..........
The next day was a holiday and i was suppose to go out with my friend but it was like rainin the whole day and we were too lazy to go anywhere so the whole day spent at home.....
Wednesday i hav my Katakana full chart test....And the next day i got my japanese vocab quiz...
Well take a look.....

So many careless mistake... cannott take it .. =(
On friday was the most funniest day ever.... lunch time we were at english class ... And Bryan took the barbie dolls ( 1 guy, 1 girl ) and put them in front of Jerry my other friend... In a position tht i am sure u get it right... If not u can ask me and i will tell... and after Bryan put it on the table.. and everybody ran out of the classroom.... ( the teacher was not there )...
We came back but Jerry put them back ... When the belll rang George quickly put the naked guy barbie on the teachers laptop and ran to the table....The teacher came in and saw it... she accuse the whole table that he was sitting in... of course that table included me..haizzz......
A funny photo for you guys... I was thinking whether to put this pic or not and decided to... Hope se doen't kill me.. Then again Lizzie is not liKe Teresa the monser =P/...
LOL her head.... XD
Sunday, November 9, 2008
BORED ...!!!! OMg
Nothing really happened this week lor.... so bored ..
Everyday at home do homework play computer ...................
Same thing over and over again everyday ... Sometime i ask myself is there more to this kind of lifestyle ????...
But i did not really get the answer to my own question....
In the past few weeks in english lesson... i suddenly like reading poems ...
But of coz the doing research or what nots on it... becoz its boring, i just like reading it....
This week i got 3 test in a row ...
Math and Japanese, OMg don't even ask me how i do on the unit 5 math test... IT SUCKED...
The math midterm was OKOK ... the japanese is still UNKNOWN.....
I hate the chinese lesson but its where i have the most fun.....
Sorry i have no pics this week..... some frens say taking a picture of ur ownselves is more like girl stuffs .... and the other reason is that i never went out.....
-Why is life so boring for me ?
-Can't it be more exciting?
-Why is time passing so slow ?
This 3 questions haunt me everytime i go home and look at the computer everyday after school..
Is nice to have some1 to sure your moments with but if you think about it.. relationship takes up alot of time and if you break up .. all that precious time you spent 2gether is wasted ....
That why some people are trying so hard to hold on to their relationship even if they feel hurt all the time..... To those people who fits the description even if i don't have a relationship before .. you should think about it be4 having it....
i may not have any experience in it but i have seen some friends in this situation...
Well i have nothing else to say ... Have to go revise my chinese zzzz
What a drag for me....
Jaa mata ne
(= good bye =)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It was such a boring week but sometimes it it was quite fun in class especially chinese lesson ...

I always have to most fun time there....
It was so funny when some1 pasted a ' I LIKE MEN ' note on his back and i coundn't resist to take a picture of it... of course i won't say his name because he is a good fren....

You know the cantonese girl in the earlier post ..... I always like to disturb her.. LOL
She always say ' I HATE YOU ' to me ..hAHHHAhZZ But on thurs our english class had a play to watch so we went there..
And guess what.... She was in the play ,,,, it was so funny!!!!!!

I ask my friend to help me take a pic of her...No actually 2 pics... =P
Don't know why its so fun to disturb her .. i just feel like it... =D
Shes the 1 in the blue top and red dress ...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Shes the 1 in the blue top and red dress ...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri was Halloween .. I talk most of the things that happen that day but theres still lots more...
I now very very lazy and tired to type it out soif u wanna know .. just ask me
Something very very funny !!! >.<
-------------------------------------------<>--------------------------------------------------Something very very funny !!! >.<
Sat my friend ak me to go to a place called metro town... its a place where most asian goes there to shop...So we took a train there shop abit and WOW we didn't buy anything....
And he wanted to buy a shirt but he said it was too big and actually it was just nice for him, he said he like small size... And i was WTF... You must feel comfortable when wearing something right..So we both did not buy anything ..SAD
In the night we went to DRINK BEER and eat korean BBQ for dinner.... IT was s0oo0o0o good... Except for the part where my face was totaly RED and the part whre i got a headache not in the morning but 1 hr after drinking...

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