On Monday we celebrate REMEMBRANCE DAY......
Well not really celebrate..you get thepoint right =D.....
We went to the gym and had a assembly and teresa drag me to sit with her.... well it was not boring sitting next to her hitting me and stuff... LOL
That day is where everybody is in silence... But me, her and bryan was like joking around.. quietly of course.. We sure don't wan everybody in the gym to stare at us right... so we SHHHSHHH..........
The next day was a holiday and i was suppose to go out with my friend but it was like rainin the whole day and we were too lazy to go anywhere so the whole day spent at home.....
Wednesday i hav my Katakana full chart test....And the next day i got my japanese vocab quiz...
Well take a look.....

So many careless mistake... cannott take it .. =(
On friday was the most funniest day ever.... lunch time we were at english class ... And Bryan took the barbie dolls ( 1 guy, 1 girl ) and put them in front of Jerry my other friend... In a position tht i am sure u get it right... If not u can ask me and i will tell... and after Bryan put it on the table.. and everybody ran out of the classroom.... ( the teacher was not there )...
We came back but Jerry put them back ... When the belll rang George quickly put the naked guy barbie on the teachers laptop and ran to the table....The teacher came in and saw it... she accuse the whole table that he was sitting in... of course that table included me..haizzz......
A funny photo for you guys... I was thinking whether to put this pic or not and decided to... Hope se doen't kill me.. Then again Lizzie is not liKe Teresa the monser =P/...
LOL her head.... XD