I always have to most fun time there....
It was so funny when some1 pasted a ' I LIKE MEN ' note on his back and i coundn't resist to take a picture of it... of course i won't say his name because he is a good fren....

You know the cantonese girl in the earlier post ..... I always like to disturb her.. LOL
She always say ' I HATE YOU ' to me ..hAHHHAhZZ But on thurs our english class had a play to watch so we went there..
And guess what.... She was in the play ,,,, it was so funny!!!!!!

I ask my friend to help me take a pic of her...No actually 2 pics... =P
Don't know why its so fun to disturb her .. i just feel like it... =D
Shes the 1 in the blue top and red dress ...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Shes the 1 in the blue top and red dress ...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri was Halloween .. I talk most of the things that happen that day but theres still lots more...
I now very very lazy and tired to type it out soif u wanna know .. just ask me
Something very very funny !!! >.<
-------------------------------------------<>--------------------------------------------------Something very very funny !!! >.<
Sat my friend ak me to go to a place called metro town... its a place where most asian goes there to shop...So we took a train there shop abit and WOW we didn't buy anything....
And he wanted to buy a shirt but he said it was too big and actually it was just nice for him, he said he like small size... And i was WTF... You must feel comfortable when wearing something right..So we both did not buy anything ..SAD
In the night we went to DRINK BEER and eat korean BBQ for dinner.... IT was s0oo0o0o good... Except for the part where my face was totaly RED and the part whre i got a headache not in the morning but 1 hr after drinking...
