This post will be short because is only for this holday.. the rest will come either 2morrow or sunday....
Remember the girl tht was hding her face when i took the pic in the eariler post and i said i will take a pics with them ... well now you see them .. =D
Well the 1 in black is not actually a guy.. shes a girl dress-up as a guy .. LOL realli look like 1 ...
I kept getting complains in these few pics because my eyes was close for some reason i don't know !!!!!!!... It was actually her who complained ,, well she calways complain things about me and i always disturb her so we are even................ hHahahHAZzZzZz

I kept getting complains in these few pics because my eyes was close for some reason i don't know !!!!!!!... It was actually her who complained ,, well she calways complain things about me and i always disturb her so we are even................ hHahahHAZzZzZz
After the da at school, i went home saw my friend on9 and asked hm whether he had any plans at night... He atually had but it was too far for him so he did not go... Den he asked me back and replied no.. so he ask me go out with him.. So the 1st place we went was to sing songs...
Yup you guessed it..Karaoke

Well it was not mostly me who sang.. it was he who sang most of the time.. and it was sooooo funny that i kept laughing >.< And jus u tot it couldn't get funnier, he sang a vietnamese and philipine song which kept me laughing almos the whole time we were there ... =P

The burger u see above was soo huge ...LOL Realli lor......................................................... had i diffcicult time eatig it ..and my mouth was like stretched so big =0... My friend ate so fast... couldn't catch up LOL