We got there very early and the stalls was not open yet so i went exploring myself and took some pics..

I was wearing my new shoes that my 2 Jiejie bought for me in Singapore.... very nice hor ..=)
When the stores was open the 1st things we bought was my mum's bag... It cost $200 !!!!!!! But it was on discount well everything was on discount LOL.....
Me and my dad started shopping. And i was so bored, he kept going into every store he see.. and i was thinking WTF.. he don't do that in singapore..... And the stores was all like not his or my kind of things.. So thats whn we fight again.. He said i was too naggy like an old man.. i counter back saying ... You worse then me right , everything you would complain all the aches you have to mummy and we had to go home.... And would you believe it ... 'He Denied It' OMg ..my blood preasure was going up at that point.. than i said to him' fine i won't talk' so i put on my music and turn on the volume..so i couldn't hear him .. That fight taught me that i could never go out shopping with my dad or else there would be a Fight agian....Actually i didn't want to go.. but my mum ask me help my dad choose the bag for her..MUM i told you the night be4 we sure fight right =X ...
It spoiled my whole day of shopping and wasted my time HaiZzZ.... Went back to the car and tried to smile for a pic.. LOL
Thanksgiving Day... In other words ' NO SCHOOL' So nothing happen much.. Sorry to dissapoint you all =P.... Actually nothing much happen this week accept for the poem we have to do in english class and a few more things.... OHHo yA.. I got 100% on my 1st Katakana Quiz ..!st Time OMG..
Haha purposely put big so you all can see .... 2morrow another Quiz hope i get 100% again ^.^..
Nothing funny or interestng happen until last Friday... LOL.. My dad went to work for 3days so i had to take a bus home myself.... So i press the bell and went to the last door and waited for it to open .. when i know i was suppose to push the door then it will open..but my mind was blank and i thought at that time maybe the bus like singapore .. open auto 1.. hAiZzzZ got down the next bus stop like a mile away and had to wake... Wak finish had to wake up the slope to the house.. and it was like another mile .... My whole body was sweating even though it was cold.. and my lungs were bursting..... Ohh i remember .. i asked my math teacher whether we have math exam and guess what .. she said NO... ^.^ sO hAppY ...
Moving On...
So i had plans to go out with sabrina to find a job together since we are planning to go japan together... But fri night i realize i couldn't print my resume because the dog bite the wire and i didn't go and buy it.. So instead we went shopping to buy my wire and a novel for my english class ' I bought a english lit book' LOL OHh and i bought extra printer ink just incase ..

This few things cost me est$115 ... the tax and gst here can kill you... X.x
I thought it was nice and took a pic of it... Took the bus to the mall and back w/o any problems i am very happy ... L0l
Last ...
Today i had too cook dinner myself.. didn't want anymore chicken curry >.< ... So i cook eggs and small fishy... LOL. dunno how too spell the word.. haha
1st try...
Went to the rubbish bin .. LOL..
2nd try..
PERFECT... lol
Thats all for this week .. next update will be of course next week lar.. .haha..