Sorry i did not update my blog for quite awhile because of 3 reasons.....
1) Too Stress....
2) Too Lazy...
3) Dam Dog ......
Well i tried my best to keep my anger under controll but afew times i bursted out... can't be help cause i am really quite stress with everything...
Next week me and my friend are also going to find a job, i know its gonna add on to the stress but i really want to go JAPAN with the hard earn money i earned myself wthout anyone help....
So all this stress 1st and enjoy later just need to 'ren' and 'jia you' if i spell the pinyin wrongly please tell me or i will never learn.. =P
With the dog. i left 5 more days to the owner comes and take him back... i take back what i said in the earlier post about him being 'Kawaii'.... His a devil in a puppy form so BEWARE.... XD
I stupid hating the puppy when he bite and chewed my laptop charger.. This are the pictures i took....

My poor wires... ='(

This bite marks are so deep that you can even see the wires inside ... if it was even deeper the dog will be
DIED.... I really can't believe my luck .. last week got lock out of the house now my wires are chewed.. whats next, it suppose to have 3 bad things in a row right so you mean i left 1 more bad thing to go.... I rather not.. how can i get rid of all this bad luck........ =S
I want to correct a mistake i made in the last post... My big math test is next week monday... Sorry for the mistake, when i am stress i am like that... 0oohhh yAa.. i saw my school calendar and i saw no 'Math 11' provincial exam date in it ..... And also other grade 11 subjects... that means i have no exam for the whole year.... But i must really go and check with the teach 1st ... afte happy happy until the teacher say ' sorry we forgot to print it in the calendar or Sorry we had a staff meeting and we agreed you should have the exam' either way its nothing surprising afterall singapore have exam every year.... I should be used to it right? =S

Well you saw my chinese class room and now this is my math class room... its much better cause its in the school itself but the chinese class room is outside and behind the school....

Me!!!!!!!!!! I am wearing the montfort uniform again.. Not that i like montfort or anything just that white goes great with a black shirt right....HAha
I probably won't be updating anytime soon because i really need this weekend to catch up with my sleep ...
Just to let you know i am currently watching ' It started with a kiss 2'.... I finish the 1st part and got scolding from 2 of my friend...Lizzie said that i must have self controll over what i do..... .. Sabrina was surprise when i send her an sms and she replied ' SO FAST ' since she is the 1 who said me to watch this show.. OkOk mayb the last 1 wasn't a scolding and more like very very surprised sms... LOL
To Lizzie: I will have more self controll in the future but who knows when the future is ... From MR Pal ...XD