Well its a shorten week because last friday we had no school so we had a lon 3days ONLY weekend ... NO BIG DEAL really...
We also hav shorten day as in every 1st and 3rd monday of the month we end school early... another NO BIG DEAL thing ... LOL
Ok so on last monday we had to finish our poem things and i left 2 more to go. And whats worse is that we had a relieve teacher, on tuesday he ask me go for tutorials after school....
So i went since its no big deal for me because everyday i will stay behind and finish my HW before going home....
So i went to the class and guess what ........... HE WASN"T THERE.... ( qu si wo ler ) HaIIzZZ
And i went back to the math class to finish my HW....
Next day, wednesday lunch time after my japanese class i met my fren outside and he drag me to starbucks with him..L0L
Went back to school, outside the class i told my friend about that stupid teacher and my voice was so loud... When i realised it, i suddenly thought of something ' the teacher might be in the class' since i was talking so loud about him, i pop my head in the room and true enough he was there on the computer.... My friend went in the classroom and notice that i was still outside, he knows i was very PS but is the teachers fault fr not being there when he ask me to go RIGHT?
Anyway we already made plans to meet on sat to do it....
Sat, she sms me say 1pm so i waited ( watching drama =)... den i sms her, reply say 4pm (watch drama again), 3rd time sms her , she reply say 5.30 to 6pm and my head wanna explode liao.. but more time to cont my drama so i forgave her.. =) I very forgiving 1 if you don't believe you can asK all my friends.....
So we was suppose to meet at the library but it was close so went to henderson.. when there we went to starbucks but before that i got to meet her mum because her mum wanna see who am i LOL.. Who she says is very scary and is her own mum .. very funny But se seems quite nice.....
Went to starbucks on my laptop and realised how if got no internet but luckily have man.. so heng.. haha...do project haven half way Sabrina complain she hungry ler.... WT- =P We ate at a vietnamese restaurant . treated her den ordered 2 small bowl of noodles .. nd guess what, it was so damn BIG sia.....

While eating she suddenly remembered she had a dentist appointment... LOL Den call her father come fatch her, she told me that her dad would fatch me home so i stayed with her.
After that bought her ice-cream so i say you choose lar and sh asked me to choose so i pick strewberry since she told me she like it.. then she asked me pick the topping.. L0l let her pick strewberry toppin so the whole ice-cream all strewberry LOL....
And i was also forced to eat it >.<
Pictures of me through out the week... C=... Theres more but i have to study after this .... Sorry LOLL... Hope you enjoy reading ...