Am i right??? .... HAHa >.<
Moving on...
On wednesday .. YUP. wednesday, the where i look i was going to the office... I was late for school...ZzzZZz...
Chinese teacher said that whoever was late had to jump 50 times on the skipping rop .... OMg And i was thinking to myself ' its been a long long time since i jump ona skipping rop.... I had no choice so i went out and guess what... i onli jump 14 times and i was faddup ... went back to the class room and no1 notice it .. Lucky me.. =P
Thursday chinese lesson we had to do a conversation in chinese not looking at anything and jus talk in chinese...... I had no problems because i speak chinese to my chinese friends here... But 1 group ..WAIT before i tell you ... The rule is you can't laugh at whoever was speaking or else you have to so 20 PUSH-UPs ..X.X... OK moving on...
They went up and carried a paper with them 'which they are not suppose to do' and put it on the floor so that the teacher couldn't see... Ok so i thought to myself.. Is going to be like normal speaking where they sometimes stop.....
WOW.. when they started ... they was worse than i thought.. they were laughing at themselve and making funny faces....
You tell me how not to laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHh GosH... ALmost everybody laughed .. those who did not laugh was either controlling themselve very hard or not paying attention and doing you own work..... Well the teacher callled my name.. And i did the push-ups ..ZzZZz SAD ME right... And now my 2 arms are like killing me.. DIE MAN....
Moving on ... Friday morning .. was getting ready for school... suddenly saw another wire got biten by the dog ...HaizzZ my printer wire ... Now how am i going to print my work... dam dog... D=......Heres the pic ....
POOR WIRE.... ='( This is the third 1 already.... D=
So this week we were suppose to write a stupid essay.. comparing a book and Moby Dick.... Not fun right and someone said it was fun and even sad 'serious' i am not going to say who......
Why not... its Donovan Phay =D.... Kor i tell you hor .. in class me and my friends was realli breaking our heads to compare this 2 boring things 2gether leh....
MON, Tues and half of Wed... We all talK anf talK ... I was talking to my friend, Sabrina was also from singapore.. anyways i saw a winnie the pooh cellphone strap.. and it was so cute that i took a pic DURING CLASS... hAHHA...
Well maybe its too small to see.. But its quite cute... She said she was going to give me 1... =D....
Before that day Sabrina was sick.. So this is what we had to do for the essay..... -Outline -draft -rewrite to improve it -the actual essay..... So on the last day me and Sabrina was rushing to finish the essay.. but i had already finish my outline and draft..'i skipped the rewrite haha' and she had not it yet.. Actually she finished it but on the last day the teacher said we had to leave a single line spacing.. and every1 was saying what!!!!!!!!!!!..... And so sabrina and Lizzie who wrote her essay at night and wrote alot ..had to rewrite it again... For me i had not start so is like an adventage for me =).. But i was surprise Lizzie wrote so much and had to rewrite, wrote faster then me..LOL.. Well i was the 2nd to hand-in.. Sabrina finish her essay but not the others..
The next day, the deadline was actually on thursday.. but we had another sub teacher so she was safe.. =) ANyways she came to the eng class and tired to finish it .. secretly took a pic of her...LOL